Embassies In Georgia

Embassies In Georgia

Embassies In Georgia​

Embassy of the United States of America in Georgia
Address: 11 George Balanchine Street, Tbilisi, Georgia, 0131
Phone:  (+995 32) 2277 000; 532 334
Fax: (+995 32) 2532 322
Email: consulate-tbilisi@state.gov
Webpage: www.usembassy.ge

Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Georgia
Address: 2nd block Kipshidze street building 1, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Phone: (+995 32) 2253 526/27/28, (+995 32) 2252 639, (+995 32) 2250 014
Fax: (+995 32) 2250 013
Email: tbilisi@mission.mfa.gov.az
Webpage: www.azembassy.ge

Bulgarian Embassy in Georgia
Address: 15 Gorgasali exit. Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone:  (+995 32) 2910 194/95, (+995 32) 2910 104 
Fax: (+995 32) 2910 270
Email: embassy.tbilisi@mfa.bg

German Embassy in Tbilisi, Georgia
Address: Sheraton Metechi Palace Hotel, Telawi Str. 20, 0103 Tbilissi,Georgia
Phone: (+995 32) 2447 300, (+995 32) 2910 332, (+995 32)  2911 263 
Fax: (+995 32) 2911 521
Email: info@tifl.diplo.de
Webpage: www.tiflis.diplo.de

British Embassy in Tbilisi, Georgia
Address: GMT Plaza, 4 Freedom Square, Tbilisi, 0105, Georgia
Phone: (+995 32) 274 747, 274 775 
Fax: (+995 32) 274 792
Email: british.embassy.tbilisi@fco.gov.uk
Webpage: www.ukingeorgia.fco.gov.uk

Iraqi Embassy in Tbilisi, Georgia
Address: 16 Kobuleti Str. 0179 Tbilisi Georgia
Phone: (+995 32) 2234 501, (+995 32) 2290 793, (+995 32) 2913 596,
Fax: (+995 32) 2294 503 
Email: iraqiageoemb@yahoo.com

Estonian Embassy in Tbilisi
Address: Likhauri 4, 0171 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone:  (+995 32) 2365 122
Fax: (+995 32) 2365 138
Webpage: http://www.tbilisi.vm.ee/
Email: tbilisisaatkond@mfa.ee

Turkish Embassy in Tbilisi, Georgia
Address: 35 Chavchavadze Ave. 0162 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone:  (+995 32) 2252 072, (+995 32) 2252 073, (+995 32) 2252 074, (+995 32) 2252 076
Fax: (+995 32) 2220 666
Email: tiflisbe@dsl.ge
Webpage: www.tbilisi.emb.mfa.gov.tr

Embassy of Japan in Georgia 
Address: 7D, Krtsanisi str., Tbilisi, 0114, Georgia
Phone:  (+995 32) 2752 111
Fax: (+995 32) 2772 120
Email: protocol@embjapan.ge
Webpage: http://www.ge.emb-japan.go.jp

Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran
Address: 80 Chavchavadze Ave.
Phone: (+995 32) 2913 657, (+995 32) 2913 659, (+995 32) 2913 660
Fax: (+995 32) 2913 628
Email: embassy@iran.ge

Embassy of Israel in Georgia
Address: 154 Agmashenebeli Ave. 0102 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone:  (+995 32) 2556 500
Fax: (+995 32) 2556 533
Email: press@tbilisi.mfa.gov.il
Webpage: embassies.gov.il/tbilisi

Embassy of Italy
Address: Chitadze 3 / A, 0108 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: (+995 32) 2996 418
Fax: (+995 32) 2996415
Email: embassy.tbilisi@esteri.it
Webpage: http://www.ambtbilisi.esteri.it

Embassy of Latvia
Address: 16 Akhmeta Str. Avlabari, 0144 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: (+995 32) 2244 858
Fax: (+995 32) 2381 406
Email: embassy.georgia@mfa.gov.lv

Lithuania Embassy
Address: 29, Krtsanisi Str. 0162 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone:  (+995 32) 2912 933; +995 599 08 28 00
Fax: (+995 32) 2221 793
Email: amb.ge@urm.lt
Webpage: ge.mfa.lt  

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tbilisi
Address: Pixelcenter | 34, Ilia Chavchavadze ave, Tbilisi 0179 Georgia
Phone:  +995 32 227 6200
Email: tbi@minbuza.nl

Embassy of Poland in Tbilisi
Address: 19 Br. Zubalashvili Str. 0108 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone:  (+995 32) 2920 398
Fax: (+995 32) 2920 397
Email: tbilisi.amb.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl
Webpage: http://www.tbilisi.msz.gov.pl

Romania Embassy in Tbilisi
Address: 7 Lvov Str.
Phone: (+995 32) 2385 310, (+995 32) 2250 098
Fax: (+995 32) 2385 210
Email: roembtbl@caucasus.net

Embassy of Greece in Tbilisi
Address: Razmadze Str. 40, 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: (+995 32) 2938981, 2941224
Fax: (+995 32) 2250791
Email: grcon.tbi@mfa.gr
Webpage: www.greekembassy.ge

Embassy of France in Georgia 
Address: 49 Krtsanisi Str., 0114 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: (+995 32) 272 14 90;  
Fax: (+995 32) 272 13 65
Email: ambafrance@access.sanet.ge
Webpage:  www.ambafrance-ge.org

Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Georgia
Address: 4, Tetelashvili Str., 0102 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: (+995 32) 295 17 23, (+995 32) 295 94 43
Fax: (+9995 32) 296 42 87 
Email: armemb@caucasus.net
Webpage: georgia.mfa.am

Embassy of Ukraine in Georgia
Address: 75 Oniashvili Str., 0160 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone:  (+995 32) 2311 161, (+995 32) 2311 202, (+995 32) 2311 454
Fax: (+995 32) 311 181
Email: emb_ge@mfa.gov.ua
Webpage: http://georgia.mfa.gov.ua

Embassy of Hungary in Tbilisi
Address: 83 Lvov Street (off Budapesht Street), 0160 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: (+995 32)  2399-008; (+995 595) 5807 77
Email: mission.tbs @ mfa.gov.hu
Webpage: www.mfa.gov.hu/emb/tbilisi

Embassy of Kazakhstan in Georgia
Address: 23 Shatberashvili Str.
Phone: (+995 32) 2997 684
Fax: (+995 32) 2292 424
Email: dmkazaida@inbox.ru

Embassy of Sweden in Georgia
Address: 15, Turn Kipshidze Str., 0162 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: (+995 32) 255 03 20
Fax: (+995 32) 222 48 90
Email: ambassaden.tbilisi@sida.se
Webpage: http://www.swedenabroad.com/en-GB/Embassies/Tblisi

Embassy of Switzerland in Georgia
Address: 11 Krtsanisi Str., 0114 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: (+995 32) 2753 001/02
Fax: (+995 32) 2753 006
Email: Tbilisi@sdc.net

Embassy of the Czech Republic in Georgia
Address: 37 Chavchavadze Ave, building 6, 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia   
Phone: (+995 32) 2916 740/41/42 
Fax: (+995 32) 2916 744
Email: czechembassy@gol.ge ; tbilisi@embassy.mzv.cz
Webpage: www.mzv.cz

Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Georgia
Address: 52 Barnovi Str., 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone:  (+995 32) 2252670
Fax: (+995 32) 2250 996
Email: yfarm@access.sanet.ge ; chinaemb_ge@mfa.gov.ge ; zhangling@access.sanet.ge
Webpage: http://ge.chineseembassy.org

Embassy of the Republic of Austria
Address: Aleksandre Griboedovi Str.31 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: (+995 32) 2434402
Email: tiflis-ob@bmeia.gv.at

Danish Consulate in Tbilisi
Address: N. Nikoladze 7, Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: (+995 577) 74 40 01
Email: Esben.Emborg@gmail.com

Honorary Consulate of Spain in Tbilisi, Georgia
Address: 52 Paliashvili Str.
Phone: (+995 32) 2252 606
Fax: (+995 32) 2224 199
Email: bagratio@caucasus.net

Embassy of Latvia in Georgia
Address: 16 Akhmeta Street, 0144 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: (+995 32) 2244 858
Fax: (+995 32) 2381 406
Email: embassy.georgia@mfa.gov.lv
Webpage: http://www.mfa.gov.lv

Mexican Consulate in Tbilisi
Phone: (+995 32) 2942 609
Email: consulmex@caucasus.net

Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Norway in Tbilisi
Address: 20 Abasheli Str. 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: (+995 32) 2290 979
Fax: (+995 32) 2293 553
Email: lianahaerum@dsl.ge

Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Georgia 
Address: 13 Mtskheta St. apt 23, 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: +995 32 222 4437 
Email: emb.tbilisi@mzv.sk

Philippine Consulate General in Tbilisi,
Address: 9 Takaishvilli Str.
Phone: (+995 32) 224 544, 2305 317
Email: phconsul@gol.ge

Honorary Consulate of Finland, Tbilisi
Address: 3/A Chitadze Str. 0108 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: (+995 32) 473 555/50 

Consulate of the Repubblic of San Marino in Georgia
Address: Freedom Square, 4. 0105; Tbilisi
Phone: +99532 293 48 15; Fax: +995 32 293 48 15; Mob: +995 599 15 11 13
Email: sanmarinogeorgia@gmail.com
Webpage: www.sanmarino.ge